Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Loving the Do! Daddy calls my hair SHARK ATTACK!

Cheese! Check out these chompers!!!

Visiting with Gpa

When down in Tucson, Trevor visit his Grandpa and had some fun exploring!

Hanging with peeps!

We were in Tucson for Chases birthday party and Trevor just loves seeing his buddies! Here he is with some of them from this summer!

So Trevor is on the way to cruising and getting into everything! We wanted to get his 9 month pictures taken, but he has had so many bruises in his forhead, we havent had a chance! He focuses and makes this scrunched up nose and face when he is tring really hard.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Little T's First Steps

So it's official, Trevor took his first little steps. He can only do a couple at a time but he's getting better. The dogs have to look out now as he chases and falls over on them.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lake Time

Before the summer started heating up to much, we took the lil guy out for a spin on the lake. He loved it... sort of. If he was driving or swimming he was a happy little sailor! If he was stuck in his life vest, forget it! Boating is definitely one of our favorite things, and we hope Trevor will enjoy it as much as we do!

Friday, July 4, 2008

A Blogger?

Hello Family and Friends!
Well, I (Tara), finally went part time at work, and with this was a commitment to do a better job of sharing Trevor's growing milestones with our family and friends! So we thought that creating a blog page would help us do that! Now, I am not sure about our blogging abilities, but I will give it a try!

So here we go.....................

Hope you Enjoy!!!